welcome  to  your  creation  journey  with 

Ascension quantum hypnosis


Do you have a vision for your life? Or are you still going around in the same loop thinking that this is all there is?

In this life journey, you are undergoing a profound metamorphosis. It is essential to de-program yourself and break free from the limiting beliefs that held you back. Take the opportunity to unplug from societal conditioning, reset your mindset, and reprogram your neuro-circuitry with love as your guiding force, rather than fear. Your DNA is encoded in the most unique way and when you activate those dormant strands, you step into your true Self energy and get to create a life that you were destined to live.

As we transition into the new earth’s evolutionary plane, we are invited by our own higher Self to release the burdens of our past. It is time to address the ancestral trauma and heal the wound timelines that have kept us imprisoned in shame, guilt, fear, inadequacy, financial struggle, and anger. If you have reached this point, you have recognized the narrative in your mind that hindered your ability to live a life of fulfillment.

Your journey entails confronting and dismantling your limiting beliefs, as they have shaped your perception, thoughts, and ultimately, your actions or lack thereof. Take a moment to reflect on the thoughts you consistently rehearse and the emotions that have become trapped within you, holding you captive in a state of disconnection from Source. It is time to embark on a creation journey, where you will unlock the power of your inner Higher Self, igniting your transformative path of liberation.

Client Testimonial

“Nora has a gifted and beautiful way to be a wonderful coach and healing facilitator. At the start of working together I wasn’t too sure that within 4 short weeks, we would go through that much change. Especially with the short hypnotherapy sessions; however, they were exactly enough and the words used by Nora were exactly what my subconscious mind needed to hear. I caught myself a bit confused at some of the vernacular used; however, always within the week suddenly something would click in my life and it would make a lot of sense and I could feel a paradigm shift inside. After the 4 weeks, I can say I am a completely different person mentally, psychologically, and energetically. It surprising that it’s only been 4 weeks, when it feels like years worth of change. I highly recommend working with Nora to help jumpstart your journey of self discovery and healing. “(Jimmy Mou)

“In my first session with Nora I was able to quickly unravel things from my past that I have been dealing with for most of my life. The safe space she provides makes it possible to trust the process and to quickly break through issues. I highly recommend her. “ (Mauricio R. - Los Angeles)

"I worked with Nora for about a year after a very difficult divorce. She helped me pick myself back up. I got my self esteem back, I started a business, I opened up to the possibility of falling in love again (which was not possible when we first started working together). I am forever thankful for her services and obviously highly recommend her. “(Angelica H, Fort Lauderdale)

“I cant say enough about the massive benefits that Im getting from working with Nora. No amount of psychological therapy will come anywhere close to what happens in hypnosis. I can tell you that this is the best thing that I have done for myself. I look forward to what we will accomplish next!  Dont wait! You will be so grateful to yourself for having taken this step. I know I am.” (Rana F, Los Angeles)

Quantum Healing Journeys

Slow Down. Listen. Relax. Absorb. Integrate. Allow the Medicine to Make the Shift.

Feeling Healthy and In Control

RESET - The New You

Shatter the Chains of Doubt

  • Metamorphosis

    What the caterpillar calls the end of life,

    the butterfly calls the beginning of it.

    The chrysalis is the stage between a caterpillar and a butterfly, when the caterpillar undergoes metamorphosis inside a protective casing. It's body structures are broken down and reorganized into the adult form of a butterfly.

Hello, World!



    Your word is your wand!

    Your Life is Your Ego Training.

    Learn to Actively Listen to Your Higher Self!

    Hear your Soul Speak.

    Find Your True Self Energy Signature.


    Mindset Impacts Performance.

    Eternal Consciousness is the Fabric of All Life.

    Restore the Fallen Consciousness and Distortions of the Trauma Body.

    Growth Happens in Stages.

    Activate Your Soul’s Mission.

  • Integrate

    Soul Alignment with Your Purpose.

    Be a Catalyst of Your Joy.

    The Seeker is the Sought.

    Integrate the Teachings.

    Surrender the False Ego’s Will into Divine Will.


    The fulfillment of integration happens through embodiment of the new you, moment by moment. Alignment, inner order and self affirming being. Living as a responsible universal being as part of the collective consciousness. The fulfillment of YOU.

3-day workshop

de-code yourself - The Initiation

Are you asking inquisitive questions of yourself?

Where is my internal block and why is it there?

Is this the biggest game that I can play in my life?

How do I live with conflict emotions?

What is in the way of me playing full out?

How do I create and embody wealth and become fully-actualized?

So I am asking you now:

If this life is your greatest work, what are you taking on to fulfill on?

Are you aware of your perception and the limiting beliefs that you are holding?

What are you cultivating in your mindset?

What would it be like to receive a lucidity training for your Earth Human Self, when you come out of your amnesia and get to experience your multi-dimensional true soul Self?


Welcome to your Soul Love Embodiment Training.


Sign up for weekly musings, events, and more.