Are you playing?

Play: The Keystone of Learning and Growth

In a world increasingly dominated by screens, the simple, profound act of play has never been more vital. Dr. Andrew Huberman's insights on play serve as a clarion call to rediscover this fundamental aspect of our humanity. When we engage in play, we're not just having fun; we're activating our brain's capacity for learning, growth, and healing.

Physiological sighs, natural breathing patterns often suppressed by narrow visual focus on smartphones, are essential for our well-being. Play, with its rich tapestry of movement and exploration, counteracts this suppression, triggering the release of endogenous opioids and activating the dynamic interplay between the prefrontal cortex and the brain's primal regions.

Our personal play identity, which surfaces during these moments, invites us to assume various roles and embrace the full spectrum of our potential. Like the rat tickler, who found joy in the unexpected, we too can explore the contingencies of life through play, expanding our catalog of potential outcomes.

Play stands as a testament to our innate need for homeostasis, evident in the playful postures of animals and humans alike. It's a toddler's creed brought to life, a reminder to tinker, explore, and claim the world as our own.

As the portal to neural plasticity, play primes our brains for learning, encouraging a rhythmic dance of focus and rest, much like the practice of yoga nidra. This dance opens doors to novel forms of movement, from dance to dynamic activities, enhancing our vestibular system and enriching our understanding of the world.

Gohan Gunes' concept of Play Personality Profile (PPP) suggests that how we play is a reflection of our personalities, shaped by socio-cultural, economic, and technological factors. Yet, despite these influences, one truth remains: life is one long developmental arc, and we are built to play. Biology, in its efficiency, does not squander resources—play is no frivolous act but a crucial, neurobiological process designed for our survival and flourishing.

In embracing play, we embrace life itself, unlocking the fullness of our learning potential and the richness of our human experience.


The Actor In You