awakening your essence

Let’s explore the realms of inner wisdom, spirituality, and self-discovery. We'll journey into the profound teachings of the Kogis, the indigenous people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia, and discover how their ancient wisdom can guide us towards a more harmonious existence. 

In the space of clarity, creation is possible. It's a powerful notion, isn't it? Weaving together the threads of existence, recognizing and embodying frequencies that resonate deeply within us. Picture it as a symphony of high frequencies, a unison that weaves the fabric of our shared reality, like the frequency of one song, for we are all One.

The Kogis remind us that every thought matters. Each thought we entertain becomes a thread woven into the intricate web of the world. We are all connected, looping with one another. And when we collectively choose peace, love, and harmony, the entire web shivers with the resonance of our intentions.

It's time to focus on what we may have overlooked within ourselves. Where have we poisoned our own hearts, betrayed our true selves, or allowed inauthenticity to cloud our vision? The path to co-creation becomes majestic when we dare to look within and ask, "Do I have a sense of majesty in my life? How am I experiencing that within me?"

Take a moment to reflect on the areas in your life where balance has eluded you. Accessing an elevated state of being demands that we release the grip of the past. Let it go completely. Your past doesn't define you, but it has shaped you. Now, you have the power to redefine yourself, to honor your journey, and to cherish the Earth that cradles you.

Every moment offers a choice - Love over fear. Be the detective of your life, and identify where you've denied yourself the right to be authentically you. Where have you imprisoned your own mind with limiting beliefs? Can you free yourself from this incarceration? Can you open your heart wide enough for a new you to emerge, born from the very essence of your being?

Within your heart, there is a radiant light, the flame of your ignition, the spark of pure life essence. To fully remember the universality of your being, you must cultivate expanded awareness and a desire to see beyond the surface. Experience the depth of your existence here on Mother Earth, for you are part of her tapestry.

Follow the breadcrumbs of your desires, for this life is the fulfillment of your essence. Be you, for only you can be you. Every moment is an opportunity to choose love over fear, to release self-abandonment, and to break free from the chains of the mind.

So, I leave you with these questions: Can you free yourself from your self-imposed limitations? Can you open your heart wide enough for a new, authentic you to emerge? The answers are within you, waiting to be discovered.


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