Dancing with Doubt

Mastering the Impostor Within

To spot and dismantle the impostor within is to engage in a profound act of self-reclamation. This invisible adversary, known as impostor syndrome, sows seeds of doubt, whispering that our achievements are undeserved. But like any phantom, it can be confronted and dispelled.

Retraining the internal editor that perpetuates these feelings requires a conscious awareness of the impostor’s manifestations in our body. By visualizing a control knob, we can modulate its presence, dialing down its influence until it’s merely background noise.

James M. Harrison's "Four Diamonds of Clinical Hypnosis" offers a blueprint for bridging the gap between neuroscience and Western medicine, suggesting that we can recalibrate our nervous system through movement. Dancing, in this context, becomes a therapeutic oscillation, inviting our sympathetic and parasympathetic systems to harmonize.

Recognizing our current state is crucial. It involves interoception, an inward sensing of physiological conditions, and acknowledging the cultural permissions or prohibitions we've internalized.

Understanding hypnotizability as a spectrum, we can see hypnosis not as a relinquishment of control, but as guided foraging through the heuristic mazes of our psyche. It’s a "hands-on" approach that empowers personal discovery and learning, as exemplified in the concept of “Being You.”

As we dance through the states of our being, we grant ourselves the creative license to rewrite the narrative. We learn to move with grace through doubts and to trust the rhythm of our intuition. In doing so, we step into a role that has always been ours: the creative author of our lives.


Hypnosis & Anxiety

